The Rehearsal

Author(s): Villiers, George (Buckingham) (2nd Duke of Buckingham)
Note: George Villiers  (1628-87)
Date of composition:
  • 1671 (latest)
Date of first performance: 1671
Date of first publication: 1672
Genre (Annals): Burlesque

HIERONIMO/EMOTHE text(s): 1672 quarto transcript
  • 1672 quarto Dring, Thomas single-play print
      ESTC: R3290 B5323
      EEBO-TCP: A29987 - Huntington Library - EEBO record – TCP HTML XML PHP

  • STC/WING: WING B5323
  • ESTC: 

Early Performances

  • Company: The King’s Company Venue: Theatre Royal in Bridges Street Date: 1671
      Location: Venue type: commercial theatre
      Note: 7 December
      Information source: Nicoll, Allardyce. A History of English Drama 1660-1900: Volume 1 Restoration Drama 1660-1700. 1952.

    Modern editions

    • Womersley, David, ed. Restoration Drama: An Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000. Blackwell Anthologies.
    • Crane, D. E. L., ed. The Rehearsal. Villiers, George. Durham, NC: University of Durham, 1976.
    • Trussler, Simon, ed. Burlesque Plays of the Eighteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969.
    • Villiers, George The Rehearsal. In: Summers, Montague, ed. Nine Modern Plays. London: Nelson, 1927
    • Barnes, A. G., ed. ‘The Rehearsal’ by George Villiers / ‘The Critic’ by R. B. Sheridan. Villiers, George. London: Methuen, 1927.
    • Summers, Montague, ed. The Rehearsal. Villiers, George. Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare Head Press, 1914.
    • Noyes, George R.,, ed. Selected Dramas of John Dryden with ‘The Rehearsal’ by George Villiers. Chicago and New York: Scott, Foresman, 1910.

    Select Bibliography: Translations

    • DE:
      • Villiers, George. Die Probe: Komödie in einem Akt. Tra. Winiewicz, Linda. Wien: Universal Edition, 1970.

    Select Bibliography: Criticism

    • Lagae-Devoldère, Denis. "'Transversing' and 'Transprosing': The Case of George Villiers's 'The Rehearsal' (1671)". Ed. Chiari, Sophie. The Circulation of Knowledge in Early Modern English Literature. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015, p. 199-209.
    • Crane, David. "The Limits of the Theatrical: In Beaumont: 'The Knight of the Burning Pestle', Buckingham: 'The Rehearsal' and Sheridan: 'The Critic'". Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone. 1995, 5, p. 59-64.
    • Stocker, Margarita. "Political Allusion in 'The Rehearsal'". Philological Quarterly. 1988, vol. 1, 67, p. 11-35.
    • Motten, J. P. Vander. "A Misunderstood Allusion in Buckingham's 'The Rehearsal'". Notes and Queries. 1982, vol. 6, 29 (227), p. 516-518.
    • Gravitt, G. Jack. "The Modernity of 'The Rehearsal': Buckingham's Theatre of the Absurd". College Literature. 1982, vol. 1, 9, p. 30-38.
    • Lewis, Peter. "'The Rehearsal': A Study of Its Satirical Methods". Ed. Weiss, Wolfgang. Die englische Satire. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchges, 1982, p. 284-314.
    • Ramachandran, Chilkunda N. Shifting perspectives: a study of the structure and themes of the rehearsal play from Buckingham through Fielding and Sheridan. {Falta nombre Universidad}, 1982.
    • Elias, Richard. "'Bayes' in Buckingham's 'The Rehearsal'". English Language Notes. 1978, 15, p. 178-81.
    • Vieth, David M. "Bayes and Bardolph: an unnoticed allusion in Buckingham's 'The Rehearsal'". Notes and Queries. 1978, 25, p. 25-6.
    • Over, William Earl. 'The Rehearsal' and its place in the development of English burlesque drama in the seventeenth century. {Falta nombre Universidad}, 1975.
    • McFadden, George. "Political satire in 'The Rehearsal'". Yearbook of English Studies (Modern Humanities Research Assn). 1974, 4, p. 120-8.
    • Turner, Richard Charles. 'A posie made of weeds': the satiric strategies and structures of Buckingham's 'Rehearsal'. {Falta nombre Universidad}, 1972.
    • Lewis, Peter. "'The Rehearsal': a study of its satirical methods". Durham University Journal, New Series. 1970, vol. 2, 31, p. 96-113.
    • Macey, Samuel L. "Fielding's 'Tom Thumb' as the Heir to Buckingham's 'Rehearsal'". Texas Studies in Literature and Language. 1968, 10, p. 405-14.
    • MacLaine, Allan H. "Robert Fergusson's 'The Sow of Feeling' and Buckingham's 'The Rehearsal'". Notes and Queries. 1957, 4, p. 485-486.
    • Avery, Emmett L. "The Stage Popularity of 'The Rehearsal', 1671-1777". Research Studies. 1939, 7, p. 201-204.
    • Crawford, Bartholow V. "The Dance of the Kings. [On a line in 'The Rehearsal'.]". Philological Quarterly. 1923, 2, p. 151-3.

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