The HIERONIMO project, initiated in 2015, develops a digital environment for the research and translation of early modern English drama.

It was funded in 2016-17 by Conselleria d'Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana) through the research project "Entorno digital de investigación y traducción del primer teatro moderno inglés" GVAICO2016-094. It is associated with the ARTELOPE research team, directed by Joan Oleza Simó, and specifically with the EMOTHE project on early modern European theatre, with the support of projects FFI2016-80314-P, funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2017-2019), and PID2019-104045GB-C54, funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2020-06-01 / 2023-05-31), both through Agencia Estatal de Invesigación.


Specific aims of  The HIERONIMO Project:

  1. Selected plays: database and texts
  2. Multilingual editions: hypertextual editions of original play and translations for the EMOTHE Digital Library (Universitat de València).
  3. A dictionary/database of recurrent expressions and terms in early modern English drama with equivalents in published translations
  4. A online desktop for the editing and translation of the text of selected plays



Active members of the HIERONIMO project:

Jesús Tronch Pérez (IP)

Universitat de València

Juan José Calvo García de Leonardo

Universitat de València

Rocío Gutiérrez Sumillera

Universidad de Granada

John D. Sanderson

Universitat d'Alacant

Alba Bodí García

Universitat de València

Miguel Teruel Pozas

Universitat de València

Víctor Huertas Martín

Universitat de València

Members of the research team of  GVAICO2016-094 project (2016-17):

  • Tronch Pérez, Jesús (UVEG) - Investigador Principal
  • Calvo García de Leonardo, Juan José (UVEG)
  • Gutiérrez Sumillera, Rocío (Universidad de Granada)
  • Monrós Gaspar, Laura (UVEG)
  • Sanderson, John D. (Universitat d'Alacant)
  • Robles, Ferran (UVEG)
  • Teruel Pozas, Miguel (UVEG)

HIERONIMO encloses the concepts of early modern theatre, multilingualism and translation, ideas inherent to this research project. Hieronimo is the protagonist of the English play The Spanish Tragedy attributed to Thomas Kyd and published in London in 1592. Towards the end of the play, Hieronimo writes a tragedy to be performed before the court of the King of Spain and his guest, the Viceroy of Portugal, with the roles of each of the four characters in Latin, Greek, Italian and French --  although the text was published in English.
The logo is taken from a facsimile of a copy of the 1633 quarto, by kind courtesy of Arthur and Janet Freeman.